As a worker in Kansas City, you may rely on overtime pay to get by. As a result, it’s essential that you’re fully aware of the process to ensure that you’re being paid fairly and according to all applicable laws and regulations. The following are a few commonly asked questions regarding overtime pay, with answers provided by the United States Department of Labor.

How is overtime pay calculated?

If you’re a worker that is covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), there are specific standards that must be used to calculate your rate of pay. Provided you are not categorized as exempt, any hours worked that exceed the standard 40-hour work week must be compensated at a rate of at least one and a half times your regular wages.

Who is covered by the FLSA?

Employer sales are used to determine whether their workers are covered. In this case, an employer must generate annual sales totaling $500,000 or more, or be involved in interstate commerce (which covers most workplaces). Businesses like hospitals and schools are also covered, even if they fall short of the gross number of annual sales.

What are some possible exemptions?

As stated above, some employees may be considered exempt from overtime pay. For instance, sales employees are often exempt if their wages are commission-based. Some executives may also be exempt, as can administrative professionals and computer technicians. In general, salaried employees are exempt from overtime pay, as they receive a fixed rate of pay that doesn’t fluctuate because of external factors.

Are governmental workers subject to the same FLSA rules?

All eligible workers, whether they are employed by a public or private entity, are subject to the same FLSA rules. That means an employee must meet the above criteria to be considered eligible for receiving overtime pay.