Together We Can
Attorneys Who Fight For
Workers’ Overtime Pay
Lundine, et al. v. Gates Corporation
United States District Court for the District of Kansas, 18-cv-1235 Filed:
August 21, 2018
Our office filed a collective class action claim on behalf of hourly manufacturing employees working at Gates facilities nationwide. A collective class action claim for overtime pay was brought under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and a class action claim under state law. The lawsuit alleges that these employees were required to arrive to work early and/or stay late, for work related activities without compensation. It seeks overtime pay on behalf of these employees who worked there within the past three years. It also seeks liquidated damages in an amount equal to the overtime pay owed.
For a copy of the Complaint filed against the Defendant: click here.
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4600 Madison
Suite 810
Kansas City, MO 64112
Ph: 816-221-7100
TF: 844-I-WANT-OT FX: 816-709-1044

St. Louis Office
St. Louis, MO 63117
TF: 844-I-WANT-OT | FX: 816-709-1044
Ph: 314-297-8385