Together We Can
Attorneys Who Fight For
Workers’ Overtime Pay
Dosenbach, et al. v. The Boeing Company
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, 1:25-cv-000254; Filed: April 4, 2025.
Steven L. Dosenbach, on behalf of himself and all other Systems and Data Analysts, has brought an overtime action against The Boeing Company (“Boeing” or “Defendant”) for damages and other relief relating to violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. § 201, et seq. (“FLSA”); the Missouri Minimum Wage Law (“MMWL”), Mo.Rev.Stat. § 290.500 et seq., and for breach of contract. This case covers all Boeing employees classified with: (a) Occupation: Information Technology (BA), (b) Job Family: Systems and Data Analyst (MA), and (c) a Skills Management Code listed as salaried non-exempt or non-exempt. Plaintiff alleges that Boeing classified these employees and overtime eligible, but only had them report 40 hours a week to collect their “salary.” Doing so denied them of overtime pay for all weeks where they worked more than forty hours.
For a copy of the lawsuit: click here.
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